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Abbott's 87th Get Together Lodging

July 30 - Aug 2, 2025 - Registrations Available at 1 269 432 3235

For dining options click here.     For directions/maps click here
Call Abbotts at 269 432 3235 if you are having trouble finding lodging

Leidy Lake Campground - Colon

Steinke Resort - Colon

Millers Landing - Colon

Palmer Lake Lodges - Colon

Amigo Center - Sturgis

Express Inn - Sturgis

Hampton Inn - Sturgis

Victorian Villa - Union City

Mendon Country Inn - Mendon

En Gedi River Resort - Leonidas

Best Kept Secret Vacation - Coldwater

Holiday Inn - Coldwater

Roadway Inn - Coldwater

Chicago Pike Inn - Coldwater

Blairs Hideaway - Coldwater

Red Roof Inn - Coldwater

Best Value Inn - 3 Rivers

Holiday Inn Express - 3 Rivers

Munro House - Jonesville

Ancestral Acres Lodge - Bronson

Magi Camping Facilities

Both electric and non electric available

If you would like to camp out you can do so behind the Colon High School (Their mascot name is "Magi" for those who don't know). There are 25 non electric lots available for $50 for the entire Get Together (Wed-Sat) and 5 electric lots available for $110 for the entire Get Together (Wed-Sat). There are no per day rates and all money raised goes to Colon high school improvement (Did I mention their sports teams are called "The Colon Magi", how cool is that). Abbotts is not affiliated with the camping (and never has been) but supports the Colon school system so for more information please contact Connie Frederick at 269 432 3231 ext# 112.

Abbott's 83rd Get Together Dining

There is quite a selection of dining options during your visit to the Magic Capital. Scroll up a bit for lodging info.

Colon American Legion

Colon Masonic Lodge

Colon United Methodist Church

Kiwanis Hot Dog Sale

Five Star Pizza

Dawns Cafe

River Lake Inn

M & M Grill

Legend Dairy

Directions to Abbott's 83rd Get Together

Distance to Abbotts from Kalamazoo Michigan
Distance to Abbotts from South Bend Indiana
Distance to Abbotts from Fort Wayne Indiana
Distance to Abbotts from Lansing Michigan
Distance to Abbotts from Detroit Michigan
Distance to Abbotts from Chicago Illinois
Distance to Abbotts from Indianapolis Indiana
Distance to Abbotts from Cleveland OH
Distance to Abbotts from Milwaukee Wisconsin
Distance to Abbotts from Louisville Kentucky
Distance to Abbotts from Toronto Ontario
Distance to Abbotts from St Louis Missoouri
Distance to Abbotts from Nashville Tennessee
Distance to Abbotts from Minneapolis Minnesota
Distance to Abbotts from New York New York
Distance to Abbotts from Dallas Texas
Distance to Abbotts from Miami Florida
Distance to Abbotts from Las Vegas Nevada
Distance to Abbotts from Phoenix Arizona
Distance to Abbotts from Los Angeles California

Click on Maps Below To Zoom In or Print

Map of Colon City

Long Lake Map

Palmer Lake Map

Magic Capital of the World

We're Not a 1 Horse Town
Duke Stern said Colon is not a one horse town...

Guess he was right!
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Copyright @ Abbott Magic Co., All Rights Reserved

Welcome to the Magic Capital of the World. Abbott's Magic mission is simple: to provide the best magic products and service to our customers at the lowest prices possible. We take great pride in our company (which has been doing business since 1934), our commitment to customer service and in the products we sell. Our online store is designed to provide you with a safe and secure environment to browse our product catalog. The Abbott plant provides year round employment for our staff. More than 50,000 square feet is divided into the following departments: Business Offices, Printing Department, Art Department, Silk Dyeing, Computer Room, Sewing Assembly, Silk Screen Processing, Blacksmith Shop, Lathe, and Precision Metal Work, Plastic and Chemicals, Metal Casting, Tool and Die Making, Shipping, Experimental, Wood Working, Sheet Metal Shop, Stock Room, Paint Shop, Showrooms, Demonstration Stage and Magic Theatre. Our phenomenal success proves that we are the recognized leaders in magic - not only in America but the entire world. We are credited with instituting real and modern innovations for the benefit of buyers of magical apparatus - proof enough of our sincerity in wanting to give those buyers a fair deal always. Our factory facilities are such that we are in the position to make anything in magic. Also we own our factory buildings - the only buildings in the world designed for the sole purpose of manufacturing magic. Abbott's leads the entire magic field in producing original magic effects. To us, your first order is the beginning of a lasting friendship in magic. Abbotts is the publisher of Tops Magazine (30's - 50's), New Tops Magazine (60's - 90's), and most recently our free online version the Newest Tops Magazine with informative articles by some of todays top magic performers. Abbotts Magic Shop and Abbotts Magic Get Together have been in business since 1934. Annual events include the Closeup Magic Convention, Summer Magic shows at the Abbott magic plant, a 4 day Magic Convention in August aka Magic Get Together, and Magic Flea Market and Auction. The Magic Get Together magic convention is well over 70 years old and has had many of the worlds greatest magicians perform on its magic stage including Blackstone Sr, Blackstone Jr, Karrell Fox, Lance Burton, Mac King, Jeff McBride, Jeff Hobson, Harlan Tarbell,Cardini, Neil Foster, and about 900 more. Publications include Tops Magic Magazine, Abbotts Illusions, Colon MI aka the Magic Capital of the World, Abbott Magic Movies, Abbott's Magic Compendium, and Abbott's Magic Catalog which includes thousands of magic tricks, magic books, and magic illusions for magicians of all ages and all magician skill levels including beginner magician and professional magician. Abbott's believes that this website,, is the largest magic site dealing with a magic conventions in the world.